My Journey

Over the years, I have been asked about my career path. How did I navigate it? How did I become a consultant, speaker and entrepreneur etc? There is no simple answer. Coaching people like you to get exactly what you want out of your life is my passion. I thrive on helping people become fulfilled at work, home and life in general. But to answer thoroughly, it’s probably best that I share with you the story–so take a seat. However, if you want the shorter bio click Here.

The answer has several “ah ha” moments through the years, but that defining moment in my life happened in 2011. Several months earlier, I was working a 20 year career as a training and operations manager overseeing six departments, more than 300 people and four and a half million transactions a year where mistakes were not acceptable. Eventually, my company recognized my ability to build processes and teams–and started to lend me to other universities to help them become more efficient and profitable. My first ah-ha moment that I was worth more than my paycheck came soon after. I quit and started to work across a variety of industries teaching leadership, process improvement, team building and training.

While working on a pharma project in NV an observer (who was not connected to the project) asked me to consider joining an upcoming wealth management project she would be managing in NYC. She also asked me if I could create a team to bring with me. I remembered that what I loved most about my previous work, was developing my staff and guiding them to new and higher-paying career paths. This was another opportunity to build up and develop people. Working through the night, I trained people. They went from dead-end jobs to high-end consulting projects where they earned a minimum of $2500 a week! My joy was watching those who worked with me get their wings to a bigger, better opportunity somewhere else. I loved the idea of developing and elevating people and it was the one constant throughout my career. To make sure it wasn’t a fluke, I repeated the process and got the same results. I helped people match their skills and passion to careers they loved. But I was being too generous and trusting, bringing on people and never asking for anything in return. When I was renewed for a third round big project, I told my team – at the end of this gig, “you’ll pay me ten percent.” They’d worked with me for a while and our word was our bond…the honor system.

At the end of the project, one of my team members, who’d gone from being an unemployed contractor to earning a “quarter” million dollars in his pocket, turned to me and said, “I don’t owe you anything.” All I kept saying to myself was: “What did he just say? Did he just tell me I wasn’t worth it? How did my life end up like this? How did I end up at 46 years old, lifting hundreds of people into high-paying jobs, into careers they love only to be screwed because I didn’t have a contract?” I was instantly deflated and felt demeaned. How will I make sure that this never happens again – so I can stay focused on lifting people and making sure they can fly, earn the money and prestige they want to – and keep myself protected? I was wounded deeply and fled. I just stopped helping anyone. I went on about my personal career. Making a great living for my family, buying houses, cars, vacations etc. I could no longer give with the same heart. But then what? What do you do when you get all the stuff? It’s part of my DNA. Soon after, I was back at it. I had a new group, a mix of young professionals who were gainfully employed and some who were unemployed. This time I established a contract. I set out a plan for each group member. In 6 months, the unemployed group became consultants just as my previous groups–making 6 figures by the end of the first year. In 2.5 years each of the professionals more than doubled their salaries. But more importantly, they are on a career path and making a good living. Each gave me tokens of their appreciation. This was my second ah-ha moment. I made a decision to figure out my own journey. This was my second ah-ha moment. I made a decision to figure out my own journey.

Just as I was working on my plan, tragedy hit. My plan was sidetracked for 4 years as I needed to caretake and eventually bury my parents, followed very quickly by 3 of 4 grandparents. Before my granny passed away she said, “it’s time for you to get back to your life.” I don’t know if she fully understood how encompassing that statement was but it set me off on my journey again. I took some time to reflect on her words and my career. I thought about all the guidance and discussions I’d had given about courage, setting goals, and moving forward in purpose and passion.  I kept coming back to the same conclusion. “I was born to coach”. This time I had to take my own advice and make a decision. I made a commitment to immerse myself in absolutely everything that had to do with success:  positive people, self-care, conferences, training, studying the laws of attraction and bible study. In the few months following my granny’s passing, I traveled all over the country to meet with some of the worlds most thought provoking leadership gurus, business minds, entrepreneurs, millionaires and billionaires from around the globe. I have met countless celebrities who were willing to share stories about their own journeys with me. This was all new territory for me. Talk about turn around? I now have a team of coaches and friends from this group to help me continue on my growth path. Remember, every GREAT player still has a coach! My intention is to be the best coach you will ever have or need.

I have made a commitment to dedicate the rest of my professional life to helping other talented, smart, independent, driven people break through their inner blocks, make more money and have the FREEDOM to create the life they want.

So today, I am here for you. I am committed to helping you figure it out. If you don’t quite know what it is, I can help. If you know, but not sure how to get there, I can help. If you got side tracked along the journey, I can help. I can help you make a better living and improve your overall quality of life.

Scripture says, “A person’s gift opens doors for him, bringing him access to important people.” I believe this to be true. My gift is to assist you in uncovering and utilizing your gifts to open your doors of opportunity.
